The Completely Unnecessary Skeptical Podcast

Episode 23

In which we get a donation, we hear about UK Homeopaths suicide note, Craig tells us all about New Zealand's own Creation Museum, and we interview Professor Lawrence Krauss - again! 1. Feedback and Email 2. Noticeboard - Skeptics Conf 3. News 4. Sioux...

12 years ago

In which we get a donation, we hear about UK Homeopaths suicide note, Craig tells us all about New Zealand's own Creation Museum, and we interview Professor Lawrence Krauss - again!

1. Feedback and Email

2. Noticeboard - Skeptics Conf

3. News

4. Siouxsie Rants about the Ponsonby News

5. Interview - Lawrence Krauss

6. Quote and WOTD


Analytic Thinking Can Decrease Religious Belief

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